Cambridge Archaeology Field Group
Actively contributing to archaeology in the Cambridgeshire area.
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In the Footsteps of Fox
In the Footsteps of Fox Pt 1
In the Footsteps of Fox Pt 2
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The Val Whittaker Prize
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News archive
Fieldwalking archive
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Wimpole news archive
Guidelines for fieldwork
Fieldwalking mapping
What is fieldwalking?
Queens’ College Plates
The Arrington Bell
Marcasite nodules
Fieldwalking archive
Articles and reports
In the Footsteps of Fox
In the Footsteps of Fox Pt 1
In the Footsteps of Fox Pt 2
Ickleton Full Draft Report
Wimpole articles & reports
Parterre exc. 2023 Draft
Johnston's Pond Prelim Rpt
The Wimpole Project Report
Silent voices booklet
Silent voices project archive
Glasshouses draft report
Glasshouses photos
Coin assessment
Wine bottles
Clay pipe finds
Unusual thimbles
Another Wimpole thimble
Who was Mr Ratford?
Mr Ratfords coins
2010 excavations
Earlier excavations
Wimpole news archive
Fieldwalking and field drains
Identifying Military Shells
Kingston Pastures Report
Belham Hall Report
Clopton Fieldwalking Report
Reach Villa Report
Querns & quern stones
Who made this clay pipe?
Guide to man-made flints
Clay pipes in England
What is Geophysics?
What is fieldwalking?
Aerial surveying
Marcasite nodules
Childerley 2015-16
Childerley 2014-15
Childerley 2009-14
Arrington Report
Oily Hall Test Pitting
Harlton CBM
Haslingfield grey report
The Sheraton's Mast
Queens’ College Plates
The Arrington Bell
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What's on?
Wednesday at Bar Hill
We will be carrying on holding meetings at the Oxford Archaeology East HQ at Bar Hill as we continue assessing finds from the Leslie Bradford collection and earlier work. We hope to to use this as a tutorial to refresh our memory of specific potte...
Our next Winter lecture is on 5th March held at the McDonald Building, Downing Street, Cambridge from 7.30pm. Steve Graham will talk about "Sudbury - from the Bronze Age to the Atomic Age".
We are hoping to restart field walking soon and will contact all members when we have a definite date.
Latest articles & reports
The pottery fabrics we find often have different colours
What makes a pot surface red or black in colour or with a different colour in the core.
Kingston Pastures Report
Full report of the Results of Fieldwalking at Kingston Pastures Farm, Cambridgeshire, 2001
Ickleton Full Draft Report
The full report for our excavations at Ickleton can now be viewed or downloaded from the Articles and reports drop down above.
Parterre excavation 2023 Draft
Excavation on the parterre north of Wimpole Hall of five small trenches by members of CAFG confirmed the position of the red brick walls of Thomas Chicheley’s 1650s garden.
Fieldwalking and Field Drain Finds
An often ignored type of find is the humble field drain. Learn more about them and their history...
Identifying military shell casings
An article on how to identify the source and date of manufacture from the head stamps of typical WWII shell cases.
In the Footsteps of Fox Part 1
Cambridge Archaeology Field Group has been fieldwalking since 1978. We have been invited to produce these posters, by the McDonald Institute and Magdalene College based upon our work.
In the Footsteps of Fox Part 2
Part 2 of the poster
Wimpole: silent voices and deserted homes
The full main report of our HLF funded project at Wimpole is now available for download. Appendices giving detailed information are available on request.
Annual General Meeting minutes
Annual General Meeting 5th April 2023)
Annual General Meeting (8th June 2022)
Annual General Meeting (2nd June 2021)
Annual General Meeting (3rd April 2019)
Annual General Meeting (4th April 2018)
Annual General Meeting (5th April 2017)
Annual General Meeting (13th April 2016)
Annual General Meeting (25th March 2015)
Annual General Meeting (23rd April 2014)
Annual General Meeting (10th April 2013)
Annual General Meeting (4th April 2012)
Annual General Meeting (6th April 2011)
Special General Meeting (6th October 2010)
Annual General Meeting (14th April 2010)
Old newsletters
CAFG newsletter 174
CAFG newsletter 173
CAFG newsletter 172
CAFG newsletter 171
CAFG newsletter 170
Additions to Newsletter No169
CAFG newsletter 169
CAFG newsletter 168
CAFG newsletter 167
CAFG newsletter 166
CAFG newsletter 165
CAFG newsletter 164
CAFG newsletter 163
CAFG newsletter 162
CAFG newsletter 161
CAFG newsletter 160
CAFG newsletter 159
CAFG newsletter 158
CAFG newsletter 157
CAFG newsletter 156